Big Dog Mining

يرجى ملاحظة أن معلومات موقع الإصلاح المقدمة من Zeus Mining مجانًا تستند إلى صور موقع الإصلاح. يجب التحقق من المعلومات الأكثر تفصيلاً بنفسها. لا تتحمل Zeus Mining مسؤوليات أخرى.
Big Dog Mining
Big Dog Mining
4617 New Castle Rd. New Wilmington PA USA
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Big Dog Mining's repair facility is based out of New Wilmington, PA and is committed to delivering exceptional repair services for ASIC machines. With a strong dedication to prompt and economical repairs, Echo Logistics has established ourselves as a leading player in the industry. Our team of highly skilled technicians possess the expertise and experience needed to ensure efficient and reliable repairs, making us your go-to choice for top-notch service. 

At Big Dog Mining, we specialize in repairing Bitmain and Whatsminer equipment - but with 20 years experience with electronics repairs, there is no challenge too tough for our technicians. We offer a variety of services ranging from basic cleaning, diagnostics, and firmware support all the way to more specialized repairs on hashboards, control boards, and power supply repair. 

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حول مشكلات إصلاح عمال المناجم وما بعد البيع ، يرجى الاتصال بمدير الإصلاح:
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الشكاوي والاقتراحات
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[email protected]
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